Go to the cheapest restaurant
in the Marais arrondissment and
order the borscht. Then wait for
a contact via morse code.
Look for the canal boat full of
stray cats. Throw a fake yellow
budgerigar onto the top deck
and wait for a C# pitch meouw.
New York
Yell at a CAB driver
"I'm walking here"
and he will take you
to the secret meeting point.
Tell someone you're driving
through the US to avoid speaking
French and a newfie
will give you directions.
Say you know Thomas Pynchon and
where the spider monkey caves
are and you will be rewarded.
Wait in Kurapaty woods for someone to
warn you of the coming purge.
Follow them to the ACA WCAS
secret headquarters.
Wait in the exact centre of the 2000 Olympics
opening ceremony field and do pushups.
You will be contacted by a gardener who will
reveal a ACA WCAS tattoo under his left ear.
Wander the Sonian Forest whistling a theme
from Star Wars and someone dressed as a Jedi
will take you to a nearby manhole cover which
is etched with a secret map.
Stand in the middle of Fatima Jinnah Park
and throw a frisbee to someone wearing a
straw hat. They will take you to the local
ACA WCAS headquarters.
Play the pan pipes near the entrance to the
Edificio Ministerio de EducaciĆ³n and wait
for someone to invite you to a BBQ
at the Palace of Justice.